Saturday, March 24, 2012

PLease Help BAsic questions

I know The questions that I am asking are stupid.
I am new to and started learning only 4 days back.
Please help me

1. Where are page_init,page_load etc events executed?(at server or at cleint

2. For serverSIde Control (say Button or textbox control) how to call client side java script functions?

3. If we use Serverside validators where are they going to be executed?
When a ASPX page is requested,only HTML content is sent from server.This HTML do not have anything about validating info.So does that mean all serverside validators are going to be validated at server after the postback?
Please explian this

4. ADO.NET works with disconnected data.
So what happends or how deals when some other application modifies the table in the database that is there as datatable in disconnected dataset.

Thanks in advance1. Everything inside <script runat="server"> will be in server. Since Page_load will be written inside <script runat="server"> then it will be executed in server.

2. You can use attribute add if you are using <asp:Button> tag

BntDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick","return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');")

or if u use html control then

<a id="DeleteBtn" href="" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')" onserverclick="DeleteBtn_Click" runat="server">Delete</a
3.Validation controls perform both on client side and server side. You can disable clientside by using EnableClientScript property

That's all I can anwser u
1. page_init etc. are all executed on the server. Everything is done on the server other than javascript functions you have put in the page.

2. not sure on this one, I know you can just write the javascript into the page and I think you use the attribute field of the control to associate it with the functions

3. All validators are executed on the server, I think its somewhere after the Page_Init but before the Page_Load method. You can also call Page.Validate to run all the validators and the results of these are checked with Page.IsValid (for all validators) or ValidatorName.IsValid (for specific validator). Also if the user browser is IE javascript code is also written to the page so the validators are also run at the client side. This can be turned off by setting the validators EnableClientScripting attribute to false.

4. I guess it just deals with it :-) (don't know really, never had a problem with it)
for #4:

that would be a concurrency issue, probably the best thing to do is check the contents of your disconnected table against the database and notify user if it has been changed so they have the option of overwriting the database or canceling their changes.

Thank you very much for your reply

For Q3 ,you said we have to use bdelete.Attributes.add.....
This code is going to be executed only at the server.
So its aggain going to server and comes back and executes the client script.
So is there any way that executes the client script without going to server.

thanks in advance
I guess u mean q2.

for BntDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick","return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');")

It actually create a client script on the <input> tag. So when user click on the is actually on client side. You may change the second argument to call a javascript function name.

Hope u understand.


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