I want to get the row count.
I am doing the following to see are there any records in the dataset with the same ID, But i am in the edit mode, obviously there will be one so i want to check are there two rows with same strAccessID.
Please help how i can get the count after doing the find.
Thank you very much.
Dim Row As DataRow
myDataSet.Tables(0).PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {myDataSet.Tables(0).Columns("AccessID")}
Row = myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Find(CInt(strAccessID))
If Not Row Is Nothing Then
SimpleMessageBox("You cannot have more than one record with same ID.")
Exit Sub
End If
If the data to the dataset is comming from the database you can checkthat "Duplicate" data is never entered in the first place.
Its a C# code but u can see the concept and can see its alternate in VB.NET
If u want to retreive the coutn of rows in the dataset then u can use
dset is ur dataset this will give u the count of rows that are in dataset.And u can loop less thandset.Tables[0].Rows.Countand chechk that whether the key already exists or not.
It will work,Feel free to ask more...
How can i check a specific column only in the datasets data this column is a unique column so i dont want to have no two records in the datasets data with the same straccessid, if there are any records with this value strAccessID.
Another thing i use the dataset on the front end with the xml file means each time i fill the data in the dataset is not from the Database, only the first time i get the data from database and fill to dataset and also write the data to xml file now, i play with the data on the front end in the disconnected mode. and finally when everything is done then i upload all my xml files data using sqlxmlbulkload to database table.
Please let me know, Thank you very much.
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