Saturday, March 24, 2012

Please help = Im desparate

I come from a PHP background and I'm having a heck of a time solving this problem. I need to create a contact form/ shopping cart. The form will consist of:

1. Product info(orderForm.asp):
the customer will select products and the a form for personal info will be filled out - this will include name. address, credit cart info, etc

2. Confirm order (orderConfirm.asp):
the values of the customers products will be added up and sent to this page along with the info previousley filled in and the order is sent by encrypted email.

I have done this with PHP by declaring variables and using 'if then else' statements.

Anybody have any idea how I can achieve this. It has to be done yesterday

I am not sure what exactly you need here.

If you would like to know about sending mails from, check this link (its explined with an example)


I come from a PHP background and I'm having a heck of a time solving this problem. I need to create a contact form/ shopping cart. The form will consist of:

1. Product info(orderForm.asp):
the customer will select products and the a form for personal info will be filled out - this will include name. address, credit cart info, etc

2. Confirm order (orderConfirm.asp):
the values of the customers products will be added up and sent to this page along with the info previousley filled in and the order is sent by encrypted email.

I have done this with PHP by declaring variables and using 'if then else' statements.

Anybody have any idea how I can achieve this. It has to be done yesterday

kevinritt --

Check out these links...

ASP.NET Getting Started --

ASP.NET Quick Start Tutorials --

Learn ASP.NET --

ASP.NET Starter Kits --

One quick way to get your project done is to setup one of the eCommerce Starter Kit applications and then make it suit your needs. However, those are complex applications and may be beyond your level right now. If that is the case, then just study them a bit. Maybe.

In short, what you need is a web-application, 2 pages, and a database. You need (1) allow the user to enter data on Form1. (2) when the user submits the data on Form1, you will grab the data programmatically and put it in the database and then redirect to Form2; (3) on Form2, you will get the data from the database, put it on Form2, and show the email to be sent; (4) when the user submits Form2 you will send the data in the email.

That's some work, no doubt about it. You will need to know how to do (A) database access, (B) email sending, (C) navigation, and (D) page layout. Your best bet, I think, is to go through the QuickStarts and find the sections for A, B, C, and D, learn them, and then try to code it.

(A) Data Access --

(C) Navigation and (D) Page Layout --

(B) Email -- or

Is this is your 1st application, then it will take some time to get over the initial learning curve. However, after this application is done, I think you will see the power of ASP.NET over Classic ASP and PHP. IMHO.


Thank you.

-- Mark Kamoski


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