Monday, March 26, 2012

Please Help


wondered if anyone could give me a bit of advice on

im coding a site using that uploads word and pdf documents to a location which can then be viewed and downloaded if requried,

what iv got is an sql database that holds all the details that the user enters into the forms along with the actual file, e.g title, author, date etc, and it all works fine! originally i uploaded the file into the database but it wasnt working properly so instead of the actual file, i was just gonna use the file location in the appropriate sql table. e.g documents\test.doc

so what i need to be able to do is upload the selected .doc or .pdf file to a folder called documents\ on the same location as the upload.aspx webpage!

im guessing some sort of ftp command in the code or somethin? seems so easy in theory but i cant get my head round how to do it. any ideas would be great!

Cheerstake a look at the HtmlInputFile control and the System.IO namespace in the framework.

Its relatively simple and there are many articles.


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